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MUSE:     I first learned about meditation in the mid 80's.  Soon, I discovered the writings of Ramana Maharshi of India.  Ramana was a proponent of "self-inquiry."  For years I sat on the floor in the early morning hours asking myself over and over again, "Who am I?"  I eventually discovered that was not exactly what Ramana meant.  Later, I learned that the essence of "self-inquiry" as meant by him was, "Therefore, all that we are to practice is to be still with the remembrance of the feeling ‘I’."

     Of course, if one is in a retreat setting, most likely the staff will offer gentle reminders to return attention to the object of contemplation or whatever meditation technique is appropriate.  But, what should one do if not in a retreat setting, but rather taking short breaks during the normal day-to-day of living?   What assistance is available for meditation or “self-inquiry” then?

​     Previously, my approach was to sit quietly and use a timer to remind myself when the session was over.  My attempt was to stay focused on the “Truth of Being” or to be still with the remembrance of the feeling ‘I’ while attempting to ignore thoughts, feelings and sensations.  The problem I faced, was staying “on track” during the session.

     Typically, I would start out just fine.  Then, when the timer would signal the end of the session, I realized my attention strayed all over the place as I got caught up in the thoughts and feelings during the session.  How to stay on track? 

     Recently (Summer 2018), I discovered Muse, the brain sensing headband.  This is exactly what I needed to stay on track during my sessions.  Basically, it senses brain activity and using sound (wind, waves or rain) gently lets the user know, in real time, whether the brain is quiet or active.  For me, when I am doing “self-inquiry” or “staying busy as awareness” the Muse lets me know if I get off track.

    Muse has provided real assistance in my current spiritual practice which is rather simple: I am constantly turning from the material sense toward the imperishable things of the Spirit.  I do this by simply realizing present awareness in every moment.
I am happy to report that Muse has exceeded my expectations and I am now staying on track better than ever.


If you want to try Muse, you can get a 15% discount here.  And, let me know if you have questions.  I am not an expert in using Muse (original version), but am happy to share my experience.

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